The new year has definitely started with a bang. Despite the fact that we were in orange zone (descreased mobility and social interaction) for over a month due to increasing COVID numbers, life was still busy. We resumed Italian class after a couple weeks off for Christmas break. We've been studying pronouns and learning about the workforce, résumés, and job interviews here in Italy, and just started the past perfect tense. I started driving school the second week of January and I still have much studying to do. It is definitely challenging, especially with the language. I am learning a lot of new vocabuary words as well as new concepts. Pray for me to have the energy and motivation to read my driver's education book and put in the necessary studying time to learn all that is required. My goal is to take the test and hopefully have my license before my upcoming trip to America at the end of May.
I started tutoring our two youth girls in math and physics this past month. I meet with each of the girls once a week and am also teaching guitar to the older of the two. They are both hard workers and very intelligent. I'm blessed by their diligence and perseverence and am so grateful for the opportunity to teach again. I genuinely missed teaching math!
Four years ago I started graduate school to receive my master's in Teaching English as a Second Language. That degree made little to no sense for a high school math teacher. Most of my colleagues went on to get their master's in Administrative Leadership, a logical next step in our teaching profession (move up the ladder into administration). However, now that I'm living in Italy, I can look back in amazement at how the Lord guided my steps. Last week I started teaching English to one of our church members. We are going through the book English for Everyone: Business English and are doing lessons twice a week. I am absolutely loving it! What a joy to put to work some of what I learned at graduate school!
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" (Proverbs 16:9).

Youth Girls Book Study
We are reading Radiant by Priscilla Shirer. We read two chapters at a time and meet once a month a my house for lunch to discuss what we've read. The main topic of conversation so far has been on identity: who we are in Christ vs how we are defined either by the world or by ourselves. Our next chapters will deal with our need for approval and acceptance from others. It will highlight our possible misplaced sense of value; namely, the temptation to change or conform our phyiscal appearance in order to fit in and conform to the world's standards, while specifically emphasizing the reason behind our decision to do so. This is a fantastic book for young women! I highly recommend it!

Ministry Manuals - Evangelism/Outreach Leader
A couple of months ago, Landon, Rachel, and I started working on a ministry manual format for our leaders to follow in order to create manuals for each of their respective ministries. Our heart behind these manuals is to create greater organization so that we can be more intentional and purposeful in our ministries. We are hoping to create an environment in which we can disciple and equip the church for ministry, foster healthy communication, and use our ministries for the furtherance of the gospel. This is especially important in light of us moving into a new church building this year. We will be in the center of Feltre, next to an Elementary school, and across the street from a park. We are excited for the new opportunities that might arise as a result of our new location.
In light of our upcoming move to downtown, we want to be more intentional about preaching the gospel. As a result, I have stepped into the role of leading the Evangelism/Outreach ministry (a new ministry that we just created). Practically, I will be coming alongside of the other ministry leaders to brainstorm and plan ways in which we can preach the gospel. I'm stoked to see what God will do!
Church Building
We are continuing to make progress on the building. All doors and windows have been installed, kitchen tile was put in this week, and both the interior and exterior plaster and painting is complete. As you all know, the building was completely bought and paid for by a donor from the USA, but we took out a loan for the renovations and will be paying that off each month as our mortage. However, we will be paying aproximately 200 euro less each month than what we are currently paying in rent. This is a huge blessing because it means we will be able to start putting money towards ministry! God continues to provide for us in such beautiful ways.
Valentine's Day Outreach
Despite the craziness of COVID, we decided to do our Valentine's Day neighborhood/church outreach again this year. One of our church memebers, Tessa, designed three different tags to attach to each bag. We put together a pack of 6 cellophane bags, 6 ribbon strips, and 6 cards with the following message: "Remember that you are loved! 'But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' Romans 5:8" for each family to take home. Some took one pack, others took two or three depending on the number of people they planned to give them to.
The idea is to share the love of Christ in a practical way with those that the Lord has put in front of us. It is an opportunity for each individual to do the work of an evangelist simply by baking homemade cookies, writing a little message, and hand-delivering a package of treats to our neighbors, coworkers, classmates, etc. The purpose is to open up a door for the gospel and create an opportunity to talk about the love of Christ and how He displayed that love on the cross by paying the penalty for our sins.
Youth Group
We are currently going through the gospel of Luke with the theme: In Jesus's Footsteps. We are still meeting twice a month, but because of COVID restrictions we've had to meet at the church for the last 5 months. We've had to change our routine a bit as a result, but we are still able to spend about 4 hours together each Saturday. We spend the first 30-45 minutes hanging out and talking, then have a time of worship (at least one of the youth participates each time), followed by a quiz on Kahoot, then a Bible study, and finally a game or two.
Luis started a point competition between the youth at the start of the year. Each week they are given a verse to memorize along with an additional piece of homework (usually a question to answer in paper form). They recieve additional points for being present at youth group, bringing their bibles, taking notes during the study, and for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in Kahoot (an 11 question quiz based on previous lessons). The person with the most points will win a prize at the end of the competition.
They have had 3 homework assignments thus far. The first was to read Luke 1:1-38 and write a summary, focusing primarily on the things that stuck out to them. The second assignment was to answer the question: "Why did Jesus's parents name Him Jesus (Luke 1:31) if in the Old Testament it said he was to be called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)?" The last question asked, "Are you ashamed to be identified as a Christian? If so, why and what could you do to change that feeling of shame. If not, why not? And finally, what does the gospel and being a Christian mean to you? Does your life reflect these two definitions?
Bible College
I get the privilege of teaching once again for the Women's Discipleship class at the Bible College in Montebelluna. I will be teaching one class in April on Temptation and Victory. Some of the other female missionaries and pastors' wives from the nearby Calvary Chapels will be teaching the other topics for the class.
What's On My Calendar?
Math Tutoring 2:30pm
Women's Bible Study 7:00pm (twice a month)
Missionary Team Meeting 8:30am - 11:00am (at least twice a month)
Church Prayer 8:00pm (twice a month)
Italian Class 9:15am - 12:45pm
Scuola Guida (Driver's Ed class) 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Tutoring English 8:30pm - 10:00pm on Zoom
Prayer study with Suzy 9:00am - 12:00pm (every other Thursday)
Worship Practice 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Church Service 7:00pm
Italian Class 9:00-10:30am
Driver's Ed Class 3:00-4:15pm
Tutoring & Guitar Lessons 4:30pm
Sending Team Zoom Prayer Meeting 2nd Friday of every month at 7:00pm
Tutoring English 8:30pm - 10:00pm on Zoom
Youth Group 4:00pm - 8:00pm (1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month)
Sending Team Meeting 6:00pm - 7:30pm (4th Saturday of every month)
Worship Practice and Church 9:00am - 12:30pm
Youth Girls' Book Study (once a month after church)
Driving school. Pray for a mind to absorb, memorize, and understand all of the rules, laws, etc. in Italian. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with those that I meet at the school.
I have been studying and am slowly absorbing more and more and improving bit by bit. I'm actually enjoying the studying!
Possible trip back to America in June. I’d like to visit the States for a few weeks at the beginning of summer; however, with the ever-changing COVID regulations and possible vaccination requirements for travel, it can be a little tricky to navigate. Pray that the Lord would make the way clear and that He would give me wisdom with how to divide my time while in the States.
My tickets are purchased and I am beginning to plan out my schdule while in the States!
Valentine's Day Outreach. We will be doing an individual/church outreach for Valentine's Day. We will be distributing homemade cookies with a notecard and bible verse (designed by one of the ladies in our church) to our neighbors and coworkers.
Please continue to pray for those who received the bags, for their salvation, and for continued opportunities to build upon new relationships that were formed.
Calvary Chapel Feltre:
Landon shared his vision for the year with the church: Health-Spiritual health. Pray for the spiritual health of our church body, individually and collectively.
Pray for our youth kids as they continue to navigate school (half online and half in person). Pray for boldness to proclaim Christ and for them to be lights to their classmates and teachers.
Youth girls Bible study. Pray for openness and honesty from the girls, for spiritual growth, and for wisdom in how to counsel and lead them.
The new church building project. Pray for financial provision (we are taking out a second loan to finish the work-something we anticiapted would need to be done). Continue to pray for the work to be done quickly and excellently.
We are in the process of creating more structure and organization within each ministry. Pray for the leaders to have fresh vision and passion for their ministries and the ability to convey that vision to those serving alongside of them.
Unity within the body of Christ here in Feltre and continued discipleship, raising up, and equipping of the saints for ministry. Pray that an attitude of humility and love would continue to be the foundation in all ministries and relationships.
Pray for revival here in Feltre, in Belluno, and in Italy! God is moving in the hearts of people. Many have been talking to us about Jesus, asking what we believe, and inquiring about our church service times because they want to come and check it out. God is drawing people unto Himself! Please keep praying for the spiritual battle that is taking place in this city!
Personal Requests for Jenna:
We just created a new ministry, Evangelism and Outreach, of which I will be heading up. Pray for wisdom and direction for this upcoming year, for fresh vision and new ideas, and for salvation for the people of Feltre.
Trip back to America in June. I'll be in the States for about 5 weeks in June to attend my brother's high school graduation, attend my cousin's wedding in Missouri, and spend time with family and friends. Please pray for wisdom in how to divide my time while in America and for God's guidance and covering as I travel (especially in regards to my health since I will need to show proof of a negative COVID test in order to fly).
Driving school. Pray for a mind to absorb, memorize, and understand all of the rules, laws, etc. in Italian. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with those that I meet at the school.
More opportunities to interact with people in the city, community, and my neighborhood (especially my neighbors). Pray for wisdom as to how to go about that, what to involve myself with, and for boldness to meet new people (it’s still intimidating with my level of language proficiency).