Hello everybody!
I'm writing to quickly update you on an upcoming outreach to ask you to pray. We have some tremendous opportunities to reach our community with the gospel and covet your prayers.

Jesus Revolution - On March 15th we will be showing the film Jesus Revolution at our local movie theater. We rented the theater for two evening showings of the film at no cost to the public. We will be opening the church (which is a block away) for refreshments in-between showings, a type of open house. After each showing Landon is planning to share the gospel with the audience and invite them to attend our Easter service. Please be praying that God would bring people that night, that souls would be saved, that the Lord would begin drawing many to Himself, and that God would speak through Landon.
Looking forward to updating you all on what the Lord does! As always, thank you so much for praying and for laboring alongside of me.
Until the whole world hears,
Keep planting those seeds!! ✨🌱✨
-Holly from GO!😊
That sounds like such an amazing opportunity for the gospel to be spread! Praise the Lord. I'll be praying, Jenna! Agape!
-Nick Coté :)