My last offical update was written almost exactly one year ago! It would be nearly impossible to recount all that the Lord has done this past year, but I do want to give you some of the highlights.
Our church is growing. We have new believers, others who have recently moved to the area, and a few who have transferred or returned. Needless to say, Sundays are looking full. God is moving in our city, in our area, and in Italy. The gospel is going forth!
If you'd like to receive occasional text updates, I will be creating a messaging list on WhatsApp (you will receive a personal text, not a group text). Simply download the app, send me your number, and I will send you quick updates, prayer requests, praise reports, and pictures throughout the year. You can send me your name and phone number via email:
Over the past year we have been consistently doing street evangelism in 3 differente cities: Feltre, Enego (a town literally on the top of a nearby mountain: about a 35 minute drive), and Fiera di Primiero (it's actually a valley consisting of a few cities). Back in September we heard about a small group of believers living in Fiera di Primiero. We met up with them and decided to start a worship and prayer meeting there twice a month. In March we rented out a location in a nearby city called Imer and since then have been consistently doing a Bible study, with worship and prayer, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We have about 10-15 people (including kids) that attend on a regular basis. One man accepted Christ this past year, so we are hoping to do a baptism before the fall.

One of the greatest blessings has been witnessing our church's heart for Imer (Fiera di Primiero) and the people. Each Sunday we bring a van full of people to help with worship, cleaning the meeting room, and encouraging the believers there. The church in Feltre actually started the same way 20 years ago. Calvary Chapel Montebelluna would send a group up every Sunday to teach, lead worship, and minister to the church in Feltre. It's fun to see the Lord doing the same thing with Calvary Chapel Feltre now in Fiera di Primiero.

Enego is a recent development. Luca, a man who came to the Lord this past year, lives in the city and has a heart for evangelism. He asked us if we would be willing to come up at least once or twice a month this summer to do evangelism in the park. On July 20th we showed the Jesus Revolution film to the public. God is planting seeds. The people there are open and hungry for the gospel. Pray for open doors, for God's leading, and for salvation of souls. Below is the crew we brought up for the showing of the film. We had our youth group hand out fliers a couple hours before the showing as one last effort to bring people in. They did a great job! We are excited for future opportunities for them to do evangelism and share their faith.

Youth Group
We are entering into a new season with our youth group. For years it has been the same crew, but in the past 6 months we've added 4 new kids. In addition, we have recent graduates who will be exiting and 3 new middle schoolers who will be entering. The original crew hasn't really had to deal with change yet in regards to their group, so it will be quite the transition. Plus, we have a lot of new kids as well. Dynamics are changing, but I am excited to see what the Lord has for these kids this year.
We are continuing with our series: overview of the Bible. We are going to be continuing through the Old Testament, starting with 1 Kings in September and doing an overview of each book each time we meet.
In addition, this year we want to focus on giving the kids more opportunities to serve, share their faith, visit other churches, and be an "example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12). In May we partnered with another local church in the area for a youth event. It was such a wonderful time and we are planning more events for the future. In June we took our youth group down to the Calvary Chapel in Padova to paint their new building. Last Saturday we brought them up to Enego to do a little street evangelism before showing the film, Jesus Revolution.

(Pictured above is our youth group, with a few extra helpers, in front of the church in Padova. Umberto, the man in the bottom right corner in black, is the pastor. Behind him is Paul, who moved to Feltre with his wife Rebekah last July to serve alongside of us as missionaries.)

(Pictured above is a picture of our youth group with another local youth group from another church. We did a joint event in May and had a wonderful time of fellowship, worship, and time in the Word.)
At the end of October we will be bringing the kids to Rome for a mission trip, joining up with the youth groups at Calvary Chapel Roma and Cavlary Chapel Acilia. In September we will host a fundraising event: date night. The parents will bring their young children to the church for an evening of games, crafts, songs, and a Bible story, all planned and led by the youth. The parents will then have the option of going on a date alone or joining up with other couples for an evening without kids. In addition, we will have the youth group bake for and run the coffee bar multiple times on Sunday morning before our Rome trip to help lower the cost. We want to give these kids more opportunities to serve and use the gifts that God has given them for His glory.
English Nights
For the past year, once a month on Friday night, we have been hosting our English Conversation Nights for the community. They have grown and developed tremendously! We have between 20-35 people each time, with quite a few regulars and new faces each month. Our mailing list consists of 122 people. We are building relationships and beginning to see fruit. One woman accepted Christ a couple of months ago and actually served at VBS with us. God is moving and stirring the hearts of people and it is exciting to be a part of!

The above picture was taken when our CC Reno mission team was here. It was our largest English night with around 40 people present.

Pictured above is one of our regular activies for our intermediate and advanced speakers. It follows the format of "speed dating" where, in pairs, they have a couple of minutes to respond to a question prompt. When the bell rings, they move one seat to the right, gaining a new speaking partner.
For the third consecutive year we welcomed back our beloved CCRS (Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks) mission team for our biggest VBS thus far with 51 kids in attendance, 30 of whom were from outside of the church. It's one of our biggest evangelistic outreaches of the year.

This year we focused more on reaching the families as a whole and not just the children. Landon and Thamara (our children's ministry director) were present at check-in and check-out, offering coffee and engaging in conversations with parents. Many of them asked a lot of questions regarding the church, what we believe, God, and the Bible. There is a curiosity. They see us serving with joy and love, despite the exhaustion. They recognize that the staff takes vacation time to work and then ask nothing in return. Nothing is free in life...but the gospel is. Salvation is. And the nature of VBS communicates God's free gift of salvation and they see it.
On the last day of VBS we invite parents and families to the church for an evening of fellowship and refreshments. The kids perform the songs and dances from the week, we do a recap of the Bible lessons and deliver the gospel message through a "Mr. Rogers" style puppet show, play a video highlighting the activites from the week, and close the night with a buffet dinner. Every single family minus one came to our parent night. It was amazing! Below is a picture from the night. All 50 kids are seated at the front on the floor. Every seat you see occupied was filled by someone from outside of the church.

The joy and love of Christ was tangible during VBS. Parents saw a difference in their kids. They recognize that there is something different about us. Since VBS we have had multiple families come on a Sunday or reach out to people from the church. Three of the families have expressed intentions to attend regularly after the August vacation period. Please be praying for their salvation. Seeds have been planted and they are now being watered. We would love to see the fruit!
Highlight Reel
Men's and Women's Bible Studies
This year we added a monthly men's bible study. The women meet the second Monday of the month and the men meet the fourth Monday of the month. The men did a study on the Holy Spirit. The women went deeper into our studies from Sunday mornings through Colossians, answering questions and highlighting and discussing various topics brought out through Landon's teachings. Our people are growing in their knowledge and study of the Word, but also in its application. It's so encouraging to witness!
Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham, along with his ministry Samaritan's purse, returned to Italy for its second Noi Festival, similar to the Billy Graham crusades and Harvest Festivals. It was a 2-day event held at a stadium in Rome. Thousands of people were in attendance and hundreds of people came forward to give their lives to Christ. Below is a video recording of the second evening. In September he will return again for the 3rd Noi Festival to be held in Naples, Italy. Pray for revival. Pray for the salvation of many! God is moving in this country!

Pictured above is a photo of those who came forward to receive Christ at the Franklin Graham Noi Festival in Rome on one of the two nights.
Preach the Word conference with Skip Heitzig in Rome
Before the Noi Festival, Skip Heitzig, the pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, hosted a conference for Italian pastors, teaching them how to do expository teaching through the Word of God. Many of the evangelical churches in Italy, which are few and far between to begin with, only know how to do topical preaching. It was a fantastic conference and such a huge blessing that met a great need for our churches.

Some of the Calvary Chapel Italy Pastors. From left to right: Vincenzo (Calvary Chapel Acilia in Rome), Landon (Calvary Chapel Feltre), Skip Heitzig, Miky (assistant to Brent Harrell, Calvary Chapel Roma), Tyler (Calvary Chapel Montebelluna), Robert (Calvary Chapel Frascati in Rome).
Comunità Christmas gifts and party
Once again we had the privilege of partnering with our local foster home and delivering Christmas gifts to them. This year we hosted a Christmas party for the kids where they decorated Christmas cookies, played Christmas games, heard the Christmas story, and enjoyed a pizza dinner together. We look forward to doing it again this year!

Christmas Concert
In December we partnered with Calvary Chapel Montebelluna for a Christmas concert. It was a sweet time to be together as one body celebrating our Lord's birth. We had a combined band with half of the musicians and singers from Feltre and the other half from Montebelluna.

We will be doing a combined band and choir again this year, but with an evangelistic scope. We will do at least two concerts, one in Montebelluna and the other in Feltre. We will be renting theaters in order to have more space to invite the public to attend. Please pray for salvation of souls.
Jesus Revolution Film
In March we rented out our local movie theater for a double feature of Jesus Revolution. We had about 60 people from the community come out to see the film. At the end of the movie, Landon gave a brief gospel message presentation and prayed for the people. For many, it was their first exposure to Christianity. We had the privilege of talking with many after the film and even invited them over to the church for some snacks and refreshments. We had three people give their lives to Christ in the following weeks after the film, all of which had been in attendance that evening. Please be praying for them, though, because we haven't seen much of them since.

April Parenting Conference
In April we hosted a parenting conference at our church with two couples from Calvary Chapel Chattanooga. There were two main sessions: Biblical parenting and parenting in the age of technology. Separate studies were held for the kids and teens: honoring and obeying your parents and how to properly use technology. Our singles and couples without young children served in our children's ministry that day and did a phenomenal job. The kids were super blessed and excited and left encouraged. It was a sweet time!
Italy Calvary Chapel Conference
At the end of April we headed down to Tuscany for our annual Calvary Chapel Italy family conference. It was amazing! Ed Taylor was our guest speaker and his teachings were phenomenal. The unity between our churches was like nothing I've seen prior. It was so fun to be one body! I'm so excited for what the Lord is going to do this year through these churches!

David Guzik Conference
On June 29th Montebelluna hosted David Guzik for a conference on studying the Word of God, and it was wonderful! Jonathan, one of the guys who attends our church, is a translator and editor for David Guzik's ministry, Enduring Word. They have already completed the translation of Guzik's commentary on the NT and are currently working on the OT. There aren't very many Bible study resources in Italian, so this project has been a huge blessing for so many.
Youth Summer Camp
The Word of God was this year's theme for youth summer camp. I had the privilege of teaching twice for our girls. The first study was on the power of our words and how we use them. The second study was on true revival, which ultimately comes through the Word of God and its effect on our lives. I was also in charge of organizing our discussion groups and topics for each day. We did multiple student led discussion times and it was so encouraging to see the spiritual growth and maturity in so many of the kids and to see them becoming leaders among their peers. Below is a video highlighting some of the activites from the week.
Day off
Women's Bible Study (2nd Monday of the month)
Office hours: 8:30am - 12:30pm in church
English Lessons at the Comunità (local foster home - 3:00pm)
Office hours: 8:30am - 12:30pm in church
Office hours: 8:30am - 12:30pm in church
Coffee discipleship with new believer: 2:15pm - 3:30pm
Church service - 7:00pm
Office hours: 7:30am - 12:30pm in church
English Conversation Nights once a month: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Youth Group 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays of the month at 4:30pm
Zoom sending team meeting once a month - 5:30pm
Church: 8:30am - 1:00pm
Evangelism and discipleship have been our main themes from this past year. We have seen multiple people come to Christ, many have been exposed to the gospel (some for the first time ever in their lives), our people are growing in their knowledge of the Word, many are flourishing in ministry, and God is moving mightily. Thank you all for praying so faithfully!
Paul and Rebekah
Pray for them to find an apartment, to learn the language quickly, to get established in a new culture, and to find their place in ministry. We are so grateful to have them and so blessed by their hearts of service and joy!
Paul and Rebekah have officially been here for one year! They have a great apartment, but will need to expand soon because they had their first baby, Violet May, at the end of February. She is healthy and such a happy baby!
Evangelism and Outreach
Pray for our outreaches, events, and minsitries. Pray for salvation of souls and for God's leading in all that we do from English conversation nights, to nursing home outreaches, to street evangelism, to our concerts.
We have had so many opportunities to preach the gospel this year. Showings of the Jesus Revolution film in Feltre and Enego, monthly street evangelism, a nursing home outreach in December, VBS, relationships built through English Conversation Nights, and so much more! We have seen at least 6-10 people come to Christ this past year, and many more are seeking and drawing closer. God is reaching the lost!
Tutoring Center:
Pray that the Lord would grow this ministry, bring workers, and bring salvation to many as a result.
In February we decided to suspend our tutoring center. We only had a few kids from the church attending and I was pretty much alone in the endeavor. I needed more help in order to grow the ministry, but it just wasn't possible. However, I've been privately tutoring some of our youth, which has provided me with wonderful opportunities to get to know them better and build relationships with them. I also taught Nicola and Thamara's two boys English this past year and tutored three boys at the local foster home. I will be continuing both of those activities this upcoming school year.
Diletta and Vincenzo
Diletta and Vincenzo are expanding their family and will be expecting their first baby in January. Pray for them as they enter into this new season. Pray for their marriage, for them as a growing family, for the health of their baby, and for wisdom in knowing when to rest and take time as a family.
Youth Group
Pray for our transition period in September where we will be brining in our new middle school kids. Pray for unity for the group, for leaders to rise up within the youth, and for the kids to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Pray as well for them to grow in their gifts and in their confidence in the Holy Spirit's power and work in their lives. Pray for me as I seek to lead them. Pray for wisdom to know how to best disciple them and encourage them in Christ and in the truth. Pray also for the Lord's provision and direction as far as leaders go, since I will be losing Diletta and Vincenzo for a time when the baby comes.
Youth Mission Trip to Rome
We will be taking our first youth mission trip to Rome October 31st - November 3rd. Pray for me as I plan all of the details of the trip, pray for our fundraising events, for our preparation of the kids (giving them evangelism tools, teaching them skits, using music and worship as a means of outreach, etc.). Pray for the Lord's provision. Pray for protection and for the kids to be stretched spiritually. Pray for unity between our two groups (Rome and Feltre). Pray for Miky (the youth leader in Rome) and I as we discuss and plan.
Chattanooga Mission Team
A mission team from Chattanooga, TN will be here September 28th - October 9th to do music outreaches in Feltre, Montebelluna, and Ferrara. We will be present at the open air markets and doing multiple evening concert outreaches. Pray for salvation of souls!
My heart and mind
This has been a spiritually intense and heavy season for me. I've experienced a lot of discouragement the past couple of months, which seems crazy as I look back and write about all that the Lord has done: how could I be discouraged?! I do feel like I am on the battlefield, but I know that the Lord has already won the victory. I want to thank all of you who have been faithfully praying for me this past year. I know that the Lord has sustained me. I know that you have all been spiritually holding me up and fighting alongside of me, so thank you! Pray for my ability to keep my eyes on Jesus, to not grow weary or discouraged, to live to please an audience of one, and to continue to run the race with endurance.
Again, if you'd like to receive occasional text updates, I will be creating a messaging list on WhatsApp. Simply download the app, send me your number, and I will send you quick updates, prayer requests, praise reports, and pictures throughout the year. You can send me your name and phone number via email:
Until the whole world hears,