School, Youth Group, Bible Studies, and more
After a social summer, life has settled back into more of a consistent routine. Women's bible study restarted on September 21st, regular youth group meetings began again on September 19th, and Italian languages classes reopened on October 7th. I had the privilege of teaching one of the Women's Discipleship classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College Italy in Montebelluna the first week of October and will continue to attend a few more classes up until the end of the semester (as long as COVID restrictions allow for travel). I truly cannot express how grateful I am to be in this place. Almost on a daily basis, I am just overwhelmed by God's goodness. I can't believe that I get to live here and serve the Lord in this capacity. I immediately fell in love with this place, the people, and the church and my love for them has only continued to grow. It has been a joy watching them grow in the Lord and a blessing being able to serve Jesus alongside of them. I am beyond grateful for the family that I have in Christ.
Women's Bible Study
We are reading "A Woman's Walk with God: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit" for women's bible study this season. We just recently finished reading and discussing chapter 3 this past Monday. Each week we've had between 12-17. They have displayed tremendous honesty in their sharing and have truly come alongside one another in encouragement as we seek to walk in the Spirit. We've had wonderful times of prayer and worship, filled with tears and praise. It has been a great encouragement and I'm excited to see how the Lord will continue to move and work in our lives.

Youth Group
Our theme this semester is "In the Footsteps of Christ." So far we've only been able to do one study on the topic. COVID cases are rising, placing additional restrictions upon gatherings, which has caused some shift in our planning. We were going to hold an event on October 31st for our kids and youth at the church, but we had to cancel due to the new virus regulations. We (the youth girls and I) made some carnival games for the event; they were a huge help and provided some good laughter during our craft time. Hopefully next year we can put the games to good use! Even though we had to cancel our event, we were still able to meet with our youth for worship and a study on Martin Luther where we focused on the key bible passages that led to the Reformation.

Last Saturday we had the privilege of driving down to Montebelluna and joining them for youth group. Mimmo led worship, Tyler (the youth pastor at Montebelluna) taught on James 2:14-19 on faith vs works, and I headed up a game to close out the evening. Prior to last November, CCFeltre didn't have a youth group, so the kids attended Montebelluna twice a month for worship, a Bible study, and fellowship. This was our last official youth group together. From this point forward we will operate as two separate youth groups but still occasionally join each other for special events and camps. We are so grateful for how Montebelluna has poured into our youth and for their faithfulness these past few years.

Italian Language Classes
I am continuing to progress in my language acquisition. I still have such a LONG way to go, but I am advancing, which is quite encouraging. There are six levels to every language (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). I am currently at a B1 alto level and am taking classes accordingly. In the past few weeks we've been working on propositions and past tense (present perfect and imperfect past). There are 21 verb tenses in Italian, English has 12, to give you some context.
I am able to engage in social conversation, attend appointments on my own, contribute to the discussion during bible studies, and understand the majority of messages taught in Italian. There is still so much that I do not know or understand, but each day is a learning opportunity and I am enjoying the challenge.

Discipleship Opportunities
Bible study on prayer
About two months ago Suzy and I went out for pizza. As we were talking, Suzy mentioned wanting to pray more according to the word of God and to have greater depth in her prayer life. I mentioned a few Bible passages for her to read and suggested she study the different prayers seen throughout the Bible. As we continued to talk, I thought to myself, "I would actually love to do this study together." So I asked if she would be interested and she loved the idea. We met last Thursday for our first study. We looked at the Lord's prayer in Matthew 5 and used it as a model for what our prayers should look like. We had a great discussion on the importance of praise, worship, adoration, and thanksgiving in prayer. We talked about the role of confession and supplication in prayer and highlighted the gravity of the request "Your kingdom come, Your will be done." We will be meeting every other week to continue our study on prayer. Our time together is spent completely in Italian, so it will be good for my language acquistion as well.

Youth girls bible study
A little over a month ago, one of our young adult women approached me with the desire to do a youth girls' bible study. The two of us met last week to discuss our plan for the study. We discussed the possible topics, the format of the study, and ways to engage in purposeful discipleship. Before starting the study, we sent out the following questionnaire for them to complete anonymously to get a better idea of where they're at and what would be most beneficial to discuss. The questions were as follows:
1) How do you define adolescence?
2) What is the greatest difficulty that you are facing during this time?
3) What do you love to do most in your free time?
4) Use three adjectives to describe yourself?
5) What do you want to be in the future?
6) What do you want to be remembered for when you die?
7) Which topic would you like to learn more about?
8) Is there some topic/theme in the Bible that you have difficulty believing? (example: Evolution vs Creation) - What the Bible says vs what science says

Young women's fellowship group
Last year we started an informal young women's fellowship group for the purpose of getting together and being able to talk about life and encourage one another in Christ. We try to meet at least once a month for tea, pizza, or coffee. Last week we ordered pizza and played a boardgame. We shared a lot of laughter and got to talk about the Lord quite a bit as well. We want to see it be used to bring others into fellowship within the body of Christ, especially those that may be somewhat disconnected. However, the new and ever-changing COVID regulations have made things a little more challenging. We have a 10:00pm curfew, restuarants and caffès close at 6:00pm, and we can only have up to 6 people in a home at a time. Nevertheless, I am grateful for these women, for their frienships, and for the opportunity to pour into one another spiritually.
Permesso Renewal
I had my visa renewal appointment on October 26th at the immigration office in Belluno. I attended the meeting on my own and was able to navigate well without any translation. I did have to email some additional documents after the meeting, but all should be processed within the next month or so. I'm hoping to be approved for a two year visa, but won't find out until my permesso arrives. Thank you for praying!

Church Building
Progress is being made on the building! They are currently plastering the walls on the outside and inside of the church. We are in the process of choosing tiles for the bathroom walls and are starting to plan for more of the aesthetics of the building. The months-long project of scraping silicone off of the window frames and repainting the inside of the frames white (it took two coats and may need to be repainted again after the plastering) is close to being completed. We still need to remove some silicone on the outside of the frames and then paint them black. We will most likely be working on that project during the next few Saturdays.
Re-Birthday Celebration
Nine years ago on October 7th, Yodit came to Christ. Twenty-two years ago in October I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since we were born again in the same month, we decided to celebrate our re-birthdays together. We drove to Bassano (a city about 45 min away), explored the city, and ate sushi for dinner. We had such sweet fellowship reflecting on our new life in Christ and had great conversations about sin, salvation, and the victory that we have in Jesus. I am so grateful for this beautiful friend that the Lord has brought me!

COVID Resurgence throughout Italy
The number of COVID cases is rising once again in Italy, so new regulations have been put in place. The government has divided the country into zones (yellow, orange, and red) based on region. Our zone (Veneto) is currently at a yellow level, meaning our zone is at the lowest risk of the three colors. However, even in spite of that, we must now wear masks anytime we leave our house (outdoors and indoors), all restaurants and bars close at 6:00pm, but we can still order takeout until 10:00pm. There is also a curfew from 10:00pm until 5:00am in place for all residents. Elementary and middle schools remain 100% operational, but all high schools have switched to online classes. All entertainment forums (movie theaters, museums, theaters, libraries, etc.) have been closed. My Italian language school is still open, as well as all churches. We can still meet for our regular service times, additional bible studies and prayer nights; however, we've had to change all meeting locations to the church. So far everybody in my circle is healthy and we are continuing to press forward in Christ. Thanks for your prayers for our country, for the people here, for those affected by this virus, and for the ministry in Feltre. We are not living in fear of this virus, but we are doing our best to respect and adhere to the regulations put forth by the government.

Women's Bible Study every 2nd and 4th Monday evening
Young Women's Fellowship once a month
Missionary Meeting every other Tuesday morning
Church Prayer every 2nd and 4th Tuesday night
Italian school 9:15am-12:45pm
Driving School (potentially) 6:00pm-7:30pm
Bible Study on Prayer with Suzy every other Thursday morning
Women's Discipleship Class CCBC Italy 3:00pm-5:00pm in Montebelluna
Worship Practice 6:00pm
Church 7:00pm
Italian School 9:00am-10:30am
Sending Team Prayer once a month 7:00pm
Driving School (potentially) 6:00pm-7:30pm
Church Work Days at the new church building
Youth Group 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings
Youth Girls Bible Study 2nd Saturday every other month (potentially)
Sending Team Meeting 4th Saturday of every month
Worship Practice 9:15am
Church 10:30am
My Permesso renewal appointment is October 26th. I'm asking for a two-year visa, so please pray for favor with the immigration office
My appointment went pretty smoothly. I was able to navigate the appointment alone without any translation, so that was encouraging. I did have to email a couple additional clarification documents to the immigration office, but all should be processed within the next month. I'm still unsure of the duration of the visa, but am hoping to receive two years. Thanks for your prayers!
Tessa and Luis just had their second child, Benjamin. They are in the process of moving into a new apartment and purchasing a new vehicle as well. Pray for endurance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for them in this new season.
Tessa and Luis are settled into their new apartment, have a reliable vehicle, and are adjusting to the new dynamic of being a family of four! Please continue to pray for endurance for them! Below is a picture of Ben's baby dedication.

Rachel, Pastor Landon's wife, is pregnant with their third child! Rachel has terrible nausea, so please pray for physical relief and for their family during this transition
Rachel's nausea has almost completely gone! Baby is healthy and growing! They've just recently moved into a new home and are settled and awaiting the new baby's arrival in April.
The new church building project. Pray for wisdom for those selected to do the renovations quickly and effectively and for opportunities to share the love of Christ and the gospel with them.
Lots of progress has been made at the church. They are currently plastering the inside and outside walls, so things are coming along. New workers have come onto the project, so keep praying for them!
My language acquisition, a mind to learn and memorize, and stamina and diligence to study Italian daily - Language classes should begin again sometime this month
Language classes started up again last month and I've been slowly increasing and progressing in my conversational ability and level of understanding.
Prayer Requests
My Permesso (Visa) Renewal. Pray that everything would be processed smoothly and that I would be granted a two-year visa.
Driving school. I'm hoping to begin driving school this month. Pray for a mind to absorb, memorize, and understand all of the rules, laws, etc. in Italian. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with those that I come in contact with at the school.
Italian language class. Pray for friendships to develop with my classmates and for opportuniies to share the gospel and love of Christ with them.
All high schools have switched to online education. Pray for our youth kids during this season. Pray for diligence, resilience, and understanding as they navigate their education completely online. Pray for them to be lights in the midst of darkness and to bring the hope of Christ to their peers and teachers during this season with COVID
Youth girls Bible study. Pray for wisdom in selecting topics and preparing the studies, for openness and honesty from the girls, and for spiritual growth
Young Women's Fellowship Group. Pray that it would be used to bring new people into fellowship, that we would grow together in the Lord, and that we would grow in our friendships and encourage one another towards Christ
Pray for wisdom for the youth leaders and the Holy Spirit’s filling and guidance on how to counsel, teach, plan events and come alongside these young people to help them grow in the Lord, especially in light of the new COVID regulations
More opportunities to interact with people in the city, community, and my neighborhood. Pray for wisdom as to how to go about that, what to involve myself with, and for boldness to meet new people.
Unity within the body of Christ here in Feltre and continued discipleship, raising up, and equipping of the saints for ministry
The new church building project. Pray for wisdom for those selected to do the renovations quickly and effectively and for opportunities to share the love of Christ and the gospel with them.
Financial provision for the new building project. God has already provided for the full cost of the building, all that's left now is renovation costs.
My language acquisition, a mind to learn and memorize, and stamina and diligence to study Italian daily
Continued unity and vision as a missionary team (Landon, Rachel, and myself)
Revival in Italy
Salvation for the people of Feltre and Pedavena and boldness for us believers to share the gospel
Financial provision. I've seen the Lord provide abundantly and faithfully each month already (even in the midst of a changing world economy), but I want to be faithful to continue to ask and believe that He will move and stir in the hearts of people to help make the work that I'm doing in Italy financially possible
Keep a lookout for my next Journal Entry post to see what the Lord has been speaking to me lately.
As always, thank you for your support, both prayerfully and financially! Keep Jesus at the center, especially in the midst of the chaos of our world. He is ALWAYS the answer.
"Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock."
~Matthew 7:24-25~
"Then they remembered that God was their rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer."
~Psalm 78:35~
"For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?"
2 Samuel 22:32
Love you all!