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February Praises and Prayer Requests

Jenna Wirshing


  • I picked up my Permesso (Visa) on December 15th. I was approved for a two-year visa!!! WOOHOO!! Thank you for your prayers!

  • Our Christmas service on December 20th was such a blessing. The youth led worship and the children sang a worship song, dressed up as biblical characters, memorized and recited scripture, and shared a small testimony about their biblical character. It was precious to see the younger generation minister to the body.

  • Our current church landlord extended our lease through June (a huge blessing because our new building isn’t complete). He also gave us two months free for our heating and told us that we didn’t need to do anything as far as tearing down, cleaning, reorganizing, etc. when we move. God is providing.

  • Our Christmas outreach to the Comunità was a success. Individuals from the church purchased two gifts for each kid (14 gifts in total), bought gift cards for all 7 staff members and wrote cards of encouragement for the 7 adults with disabilities that live and work on campus. It was a blessing!

  • A couple families in the church were diagnosed with COVID, but all have recovered and are healthy and back at church!

  • We had a huge snowfall at the end of December/beginning of January (about 2 feet in total throughout the week), which meant lots of shoveling! However, nothing brings neighbors together like shoveling mounds of snow. I was able to have multiple conversations with my neighbors and get to know them a little better. I’m looking forward to more opportunities to build upon those relationships.

  • I finally got my medial certificate and registered for driving school! I have been attending classes for the last month and have A LOT of studying to do!


Calvary Chapel Feltre:

  • Valentine's Day Outreach. We will be doing an individual/church outreach for Valentine's Day. We will be distributing homemade cookies with a notecard and bible verse (designed by one of the ladies in our church) to our neighbors and coworkers. We put together the kits (bags, ribbon, and notecard) last week and handed them out on Sunday for each family to take. Pray for new relationships to form, for people's hearts to be open to the gospel, and opportunities to share the love of Christ.

  • Landon shared his vision for the year with the church: Health-Spiritual health. Pray for the spiritual health of our church body, individually and collectively.

  • Pray for our youth kids as they continue to navigate school (half online and half in person). Pray for boldness to proclaim Christ and for them to be lights to their classmates and teachers.

  • Youth girls Bible study. Pray for openness and honesty from the girls, for spiritual growth, and for wisdom in how to counsel and lead them.

  • The new church building project. Pray for financial provision (we are taking out a second loan to finish the work-something we anticiapted would need to be done). Continue to pray for the work to be done quickly and excellently.

  • New children’s ministry leader. Thamara has officially taken over children’s ministry. Pray that the Lord would equip her and lead her and that the church would come alongside to support her in the work.

  • We are in the process of creating more structure and organization within each ministry. Pray for the leaders to have fresh vision and passion for their ministries and the ability to convey that vision to those serving alongside of them.

  • Unity within the body of Christ here in Feltre and continued discipleship, raising up, and equipping of the saints for ministry. Pray that an attitude of humility and love would continue to be the foundation in all ministries and relationships.

Personal Requests for Jenna:

  • Driving school. Pray for a mind to absorb, memorize, and understand all of the rules, laws, etc. in Italian. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with those that I meet at the school.

  • More opportunities to interact with people in the city, community, and my neighborhood (especially my neighbors). Pray for wisdom as to how to go about that, what to involve myself with, and for boldness to meet new people (it’s still intimidating with my level of language proficiency).

  • Possible trip back to America in June. I’d like to visit the States for a few weeks at the beginning of summer; however, with the ever-changing COVID regulations and possible vaccination requirements for travel, it can be a little tricky to navigate. Pray that the Lord would make the way clear and that He would give me wisdom with how to divide my time while in the States.


Pinkie Erck
Feb 07, 2021


I love the church’s desire towards outreach. The idea of cookies on Valentines might be a good one to use in my neighborhood.

Praying for driving school to go well. Praying you will meet someone who can help you in your areas of weakness.

Enjoy your journey!!! I pray for you often!!!


Rosario Williams
Rosario Williams
Feb 07, 2021

Hi Jenna ! Is always good to hear from you ! Glad you doing well, Ill be praying for you to pass you drivers license ,hopefully I’ll get to see you when u come to the us . Much love Rosie

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